Hello, dear readers and thank you for supporting my web page and (hopefully) signing up for my newsletter.
I plan to use this space to explore ideas for future works as well as give out some free content (currently in the works) that might not be long enough to make into its own novel, or novella. As of now I do not have a specific schedule for posting so the best way to know when something new is put up would be to subscribe to the newsletter!
Anyway, as you all know I am currently deep into the first draft of book 4 for the Amber Aerie Lords Series. (I am currently sitting at 98, 000 words, so I really am making progress). I thought I might leave you with a small snippit from the novel to whet your appetite.
“Beska,” Strale bowed to her, sweeping an arm to his waist in a dramatic fashion that he knew highlighted the muscles in his shoulders.
“Does such preening truly fool any females? I had thought such behaviors reserved for small brained birds.”
Strale looked to the shifter that spoke. Wasn't this the man who had been poisoned and then miraculously recovered? His question was smooth and lacking in inflection, odd...but the insult stung none the less. Especially in front of Beska.
It was one thing to appear single minded to Cillumn and Scet, or to lack appreciation from Dynarys or even the Archon, but no man wanted the woman they desired to think him a fool.
For the first time he wished that his dragon was a little more reactive. It didn’t bother to do anything past the first stirring, now the contrite beast merely blinked lazily—awake within his soul, but unconcerned with the insult.
Strale straightened, laying a hand casually on his sword. The dragon might not wish to engage this shifter, but Strale didn’t need it to teach the man a lesson.
“It would be wise to let go of that ego. It’s going to get you killed...again,” Adda warned the man.
“I say quit giving him tips and just let things work themselves out,” Kiskan snarled.