Cassidy paced the main room of the medical building.
He should have been back by then. How long could it take to check out a few things?
The day had gone, much as expected, which basically meant she’d been a nervous wreck. Emily had been feeling well enough to leave her room and visit. She was weak, but the fever was gone and the rash had faded to a light pink. She’d checked on Becky shortly after and found the woman sitting propped against Gorth’s massive chest. They were murmuring to one another softly and she’d felt terrible at the intrusion. They’d hardly noticed her though and she’d closed the door again shortly after.
Which left her with nothing to do except worry. She’d gone out and tended the garden, even tried playing with the cube some more, but nothing distracted her for long.
The mid day meal came and went, and then the evening meal. Cassidy ensured Becky, Gorth, and Emily had food, a warm cracker like substance with a heartier broth than they’d had previously. They seemed to be getting their appetite back too, which was promising. But she found that she couldn’t eat, even the delicious smell of the macier puffs couldn’t draw her from her funk.
Is this what love was like? Because she wasn’t sure she liked it.
Clouds had built through the afternoon and rain began to fall in heavy sheets as the sun set beyond the compound and still she waited.
Eventually she resorted to wiping the shelves of the storage rooms, cleaning and re-organizing the already spotless area.
It was a low rumble of thunder, louder than it should have been from inside, and the scent of rain that alerted her that someone was in the building. She spun from her task, lining up the selection of tubes by size and length, to find him standing in the doorway, still in his armor, hair plastered to his head.
It was the best thing she had ever seen in her life.
“Tor, I...”
Tor did not speak, he strode into the room and wrapped his arms around her, mouth crashing to hers. He made love to her lips, alternating between soft and gentle caresses and frantic deep kissed filled with longing and need.
“You waited for me,” he murmured when they broke apart at last.
“Of course I waited, I was worried sick,” she frowned at him.
“You were?” his brows raised and he searched her eyes. “I wasn’t certain...” he huffed out a breath, “When you were gone this morning...I thought you might have regretted...us.”
Silly Livarian.
Cassidy shook her head and raised a hand to his cheek. “I don’t regret anything, just need a little time to adjust to the idea, I think. I’ve never thought I would marry, it’s a little strange to have changed my mind.”
His eyes flashed with happiness, an emotion she rarely saw on him, and her heart stuttered. Holy shit. When his face lit up she could barely breathe.
His gaze turned hungry.
“We are to meet with the prime at the elite house shortly, but I believe some time to ourselves is warranted, come with me,” he commanded, taking her hand and leading her from the room. They made quick progress to his bedroom, and as soon as he shut the door behind them and locked the panel he was on her again, kissing, his hands running though her hair.
“Take off your clothes, Cassidy,” he growled, stepping back from her.
Cassidy blinked up at him, because what the hell? But his face was contorted with hunger, his eyes roving her body. The oltec peeled backward slowly, and he pulled it from him, setting it gently near the door, and still he watched her.
Okay. She was not totally inexperienced in the world of sex, but her partners had never done, or asked for, more than a straight vanilla pairing. There had always been a frantic mutual undressing followed by the required touching and then intercourse. She’d never stripped for someone before.
Oddly, nerves assuaged her, tightening the muscles in her stomach. Tor paced behind her, waiting.
She let her fingers fall to the hem of her shirt. One of the things she had done to distract herself was to find her things at the dorm and shower and change. She’d picked a cobalt blue top. Like all Livarian clothes it was constructed of soft and slightly stretchy material. Built for comfort as much as style, and this particular shirt hung just right, highlighting her cleavage and hiding the slightly wider curve of her waist. She picked it because it made her feel...pretty, and she was hoping that Tor would like it. When her fingers reached the hem and inched the bottom upward suddenly Tor hissed.
Her attention flashed to him, to the tense set of his body. To the rigid bulge pushing against his pants.
Oh god that was sexy, she was going to strip for him all the time. Her core pulsed, a warm wetness grew between her thighs. She smiled a little, teasing and started lifting, deliberately slowly, up and up, over her ribs. Pausing for a moment below her breasts, taking not of Tor’s little strangled sound.
She pulled the shirt over her head, and made quick work of the bra, then began sliding the top of her pants lower, then her underwear. She even did the little move where she bent at the waist to get them all the way down. She’d seen that on a movie somewhere, she thought.
“Get on the bed,” Tor’s voice was rough, his breathing unsteady.
Naked, she did as he asked, the command sending a little thrill through her. She crawled onto the soft surface and sat, facing him, letting her legs fall apart a little.
He was still dressed, his clothes still soaked from the rain. It must have been uncomfortable but he didn’t seem to notice his eyes glued to her body.
“Show me how you touch yourself,” he got out.
Bossy Tor was getting her incredibly hot. Or maybe it was watching him watch her, barely restrained. Whatever it was her folds were slick with her wetness, and he hadn’t even touched her yet. She trailed a finger along them, back and forth.
Tor watched, a muscle ticking along his jaw. When she arched her back and moaned a little he finally burst into action, pulling off his shirt and shoving down his pants quickly, his erection springing free and looking painfully hard.
“You are so beautiful,” he told her, taking hold of himself. “Keep going,” he encouraged, pumping his shaft once, and then twice. She’d stopped, she realized, struck stupid by the sight of him, ripped muscles and faded stripes. Devastatingly attractive man in obvious need...for her. It was a heady thing and she found herself crawling forward, unable to keep from getting closer.
“Cassidy,” he warned, backing away, but she was quicker. Once within arms length she reached out running a hand over the plains of his chest and abdomen, swatting away the hand on his member and taking over for herself.
She stroked him, pulling a groan from his lips, but it was nothing like the sound he made when she leaned over and put her lips around him.
His hands dug into her hair, encouraging her as she took him deeper and then retreated. He muttered something when she moved faster bobbing her head up and down until, at last he gripped her by the nape and pulled away.
He joined her on the bed, pushing her back, kissing her furiously, scraping those fangs across her lips and then jaw. She shuddered, remembering the bite he’d given her and the pleasure it brought.
She was a little surprised when he flipped her onto her stomach, but she stilled when he continued the kisses at her nape and then slowly along her spine. When he neared the top of her rounded cheek he bit, just a little, enough that a wave of pleasure rolled through her, her hips thrust forward on their own. He repeated the trail again, this time, by the time he reached the base of her spine she curved up for him, offering. The second bite had her screaming into the bedding. She lost a little of her awareness, the pleasure wringing delicious contractions along her spine.
Then he was holding her hips, his cock nudging at her entrance. He slid inward easily, the feel of him, hard as stone pushed the contractions she was already experiencing higher. She whimpered, uncertain she could take more. She didn’t have much choice, however, as he started pumping slowly at first but quickly gaining rhythm until he was slapping against her and the only thing she could do was to mewl helplessly as the pressure built.
She felt the moment his orgasm peaked, he stiffened, his member twitching inside of her, then he groaned leaning down and scraping her nape with his fangs.
When she burst at last spots swam before her eyes, her core clamped down hard, his cock still feeding the need at her center as she exploded around him, thrusting back to meet him.
It seemed like forever that it kept going and going, the waves crashing against her over and over until, at last, they subsided and she collapsed.
Tor hummed in a smug, male kind of way and lay down behind her, pulling the covers over top of them.
“What about the meeting?” Cassidy ventured, her voice weak. She’d never survive a meeting. Not now.
“They can wait.”
Oh my, Tor. i am so sad you thought she regretted her decision. Let your confidence build and you two will soar.