Happy Friday everyone! Sorry I got this post out a little later than usual. I do hope you enjoy!

Emily lay on her cot, her skin pale and sweaty, her blond hair limp against her forehead.
“It was the mushroom?” Her brows crashed together.
Cassidy nodded. “I looked them up, they are nearly identical. What I want to know is what the poison one is doing growing here.” It really shouldn’t have happened. Gorth said he had found it in a local neighbourhood, among the patch of greenery tended by someone years ago. It had grown, and it had somehow thrived until it was moved into the compound. Tor had contacted the Prime immediately after their discovery, and using some very careful methods removed and destroyed the offending fungus.
Emily shook her head. “I cant believe I’ve been undone by a plant.”
Cassidy chuckled. “I know right?”
Emily lay her head back against her pillow. She was weakening, her face was tired and drawn, but she was still faring better than Becky, who had to be sedated now to deal with the discomfort.
“What now?” Emily wanted to know.
And there was the problem. The infection wasn’t responding to broad treatments, and needed a specific drug, menziquartal for the best possible chance. But because the Tri’kyani was not native to the area it was highly unlikely they were going to find menziquartal in Cirril. There was a team heading north, to the Tri’kyani’s native habitat, in a transport that had been rapidly re-established with a large amount of their limited resources, but there was no telling if the mission would be successful.
Tor would likely encourage complete honesty, and, as an adult woman, Emily deserved to know her chances. Cassidy still hesitated. Stress and fear were such a major part of health. Just look at how giving up had Becky’s illness progressing more rapidly than any of the others. She didn’t want to do that, at least not until they had a better idea of what exactly they were facing. She couldn’t help a little bit of her own panic on the matter however. With Becky in induced unconsciousness no one knew how long she really had, hours? Days?
Cassidy forced a neutral expression on her face. “Tor had notified the prime, and two teams are out searching the city’s medical facilities.”
As if she had complete faith in the Livarians Emily nodded, relieved.
“You can leave now right?” she asked after a moment. “It isn’t contagious so we shouldn’t have to quarantine any longer?”
“Tor has lifted the need for isolation, yes.”
A bit of light entered Emily’s eyes. “Can I ask a favor?”
Here Cassidy hesitated. A favors were dangerous, and she didn’t want to promise something she wasn’t going to be able to deliver on. Still, Gran-gran would be furious if she ever denied help to someone that needed it, especially since she was in a far better position at the moment.
“Sure, what it is,” she managed.
“Ashley has this book we got smuggled back from Earth. It’s been my turn to read it for a bit, but then I got sick. Will you ask her for it? It will give me something to do while I’m stuck here,” she waved an arm, indicating the room.
Oh thank goodness. She was worried it was going to be something terrible.
“Sure thing,” she smiled encouragingly.
She checked the building again before leaving, but Tor was either sequestered in his room or was out of the building already.
Rain hung heavy in the dark gray clouds above the compound. A warning rumble of thunder sounding in the distance. Still, the storm hadn’t hit yet, and Livarians and women alike were busy moving along the paths, tending to their duties. Cassidy breathed deeply, the first breath of freedom she’d had in days.
“I’m very glad to hear that you are well,” Askon pulled away from a group of Livarians keeping a wary eye on the streets.
“I’m very glad too,” she told him, “though I’ll be happier when we get the menziquartal.”
“We will. I promise you this,” Askon asserted, his demeanor suddenly intense.
Cassidy gave him a side glance, a little uncomfortable. It wasn’t that he’d ever been creepy, only barely expressing interest, but she hated having to reject him when he was generally sweet. Maybe she should just make an announcement and get it over with all at once. Take the stage at meal time or whatever and make it clear that she was not going to accept a ‘mate’.
The memory of Tor’s kiss nagged at her. She’d definitely enjoyed it, it was burned into her libedo. But that didn’t mean anything right?
Askon took a deep breath, “I feel the need to be honest with you.”
Livie’s hope sank. She’d really wanted to avoid this, it felt so shitty to hurt his feelings.
“I know I have shown interest in seeking a bond with your. I do not wish to minimize your worthiness of such a thing...” he looked down and then to the side nervously before raising his eyes to hers again. “...I have hopes to pursue another. I do not want you to feel less important because of this,” the tortured look on his face was the sweetest thing she’d ever seen. They weren’t even in a relationship and she was checking with her to make sure she’d be okay if he moved on. Christ, these Livarians were something else.
She allowed herself a huge smile of relief.
“Oh, Askon, I’m very happy for you,” she told him.
“You are?” his brows pulled together.
“Of course. I’ve been pretty clear I’m not interested and you deserve someone who is going to give one hundred percent.”
His expression lightened and a smile tipped the corner of his lips, a bit of
light...excitement...in his eyes. “Perhaps we can have a meal together, as friends?” he ventured, “I would love to learn more about Earth’s courtship rituals, I want to do this properly.”
Cassidy grinned at the Livarian. Really, that was the least she could do.
“You’ve got it,” she held out her hand to shake on it.
Askon looked at it a moment, uncertain, before he took it and pulled her into a friendly hug.
“I think this is right, yes?” he asked uncertainly from beside her ear.
He was so tentative that Cassidy couldn’t help but laugh.
That was, until she glanced across the street. The elite house sat several paces away, and emerging from the front doors was Draven, the Prime, and at his side was Tor. His expression was cold and dark and she couldn’t help but feel that it had to do with her somewhat compromised position. She gently pulled away from Askon, giving him a reassuring pat.
“Tor,” she started as the two moved passed her.
“Cassidy,” he frowned. “Have you re-run all of the training samples to check for contamination?”
She blinked. “Uh...no?”
“And the lab needs to be sterilized again, we don’t need the Sirinchea seeping into our usable sample trays.”
What? “I cleaned the lab last night, you watched me.”
Tor shook his head. “It needs to be redone.” He offered Askon a dismissive glance. “I assumed you were taking your responsibilities seriously, do I need to reconsider my assessment?”
“...of course not...”
“Then I suggest you get back to work. Medics do not have time for frivolous socializing.”
And with that he walked away, leaving a bemused Draven, blue eyes bouncing between the two of them before he continued on after the compound’s medic.
“What’s gotten into him?” Askon frowned.
Cassidy watched the pair of Livarians as they strode away from her. “I have no idea.”
Someone’s jealous :-D. I love it. Can’t wait for them to both realize their feelings for each other.