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Needing Cassidy Chapter 13

Writer's picture: Lacey St. SinLacey St. Sin


Hours later the lab was spotless, everything prepared and set up for testing, should Tor need it. She’d cleaned several other rooms too, her nerves giving her an energy that she had to express somehow. The afternoon light was fading and she was setting the front table with the meals she had carried over, hoping the smell of sustenance might draw Tor out long enough to refresh himself. She’d brought a plate for Becky too, but it was sitting to the side, since she wasn’t certain the woman would be in any state to accept it. She was just placing out the cups and a pitcher of cool water when the front doors blew open and a large mountain of a Livarian stormed in.


If terror had a face Gorth would be wearing it. His jaw tight and lips pressed into a white line, his eyes darted around the main room, finally landing on her.

“Where is she?” he demanded.

“Gorth,” Cassidy exclaimed. “She’s in one of the exam rooms, Tor is running some tests.”

He moved toward the hallway, but Cassidy intercepted him, coming around the table faster than she thought possible. “Wait,” she commanded, hands up. He couldn’t just go storming in there. Sure he was worried, that much was obvious, but she wasn’t sure how Becky would take his appearance, and she knew it would upset Tor.

Fate had it out for her though, because at that exact moment the man...Livarian himself strode out of the hallway looking far more tired and worn than she had seen him in a long while. Thick black spikes of hair stood up all over his head, as if he’d been running his hands through it, repeatedly.

“You didn’t leave,” he stated before he halted, taking in the scene before him. His face shuttered instantly.

“Where. Is. She.” Gorth’s demand was more of a growl, his attention no longer on her but Tor.

“Hey,” Cassidy stepped in front of him again. “I’m sure you can see her soon.”

“No.” Tor stated.

The growl that emanated from Gorth then would have frightened a lesser man. Hell, it had Cassidy rethinking her whole strategy.

“This isn’t going to solve anything,” she said to the room in general. In true male fashion they didn’t appear to listen to her, just stared at one another with fury.

“Stop.” She tried again, this time louder. “I swear if either of you upsets that woman because you can’t control yourselves enough to be civil I’m going to make sure you don’t get dessert for a month.” She could do it too, she had an in with the kitchen now. Especially since she’d finally delivered the fiska root to Ashley. It had been far easier than she had thought, now that she basically worked at the medical building every day, to convince her guard that she was tending the garden there as well.

She wasn’t sure if it was her reprimand or her threat but she seemed to have their attention at last.

“I know you are both worried and stressed, but think about poor Becky. I think we need to do what we can to help her right now.”

Gorth’s face reddened a bit, his posture softening.

“You’re right,” he admitted. Then he looked to Tor. “Can I please see Becky?”


And just like that the tension was back.

Cassidy glared at the medic and cleared her throat.

He sighed, relenting. “She asked for a sedative to help her anxiety. She’s resting right now, it’s best not to disturb her. We will take good care of her.”

Cassidy had to work hard not to show her surprise at his words. We. As in the two of them. Tor and Cassidy. A team. Why such a simple thing should please her so much she wasn’t sure, but it did.

Gorth rubbed at his face. “Can I at least be informed when she wakes?”

“That,” Cassidy told him. “I can absolutely do.”

The unsatisfied Livarian strode out shortly after her promise, to do what, Cassidy had no clue but she imagined it involved punching something. Hard. At least that something hadn’t been Tor.

“Do you ever do as you’re told?” Tor wondered, but he crossed the room and sat down at the table where she had set his plate. She watched as he began pushing the different selections she had piled up for him apart with his fork, leaving lines of neat space between them.

“That depends on who is doing the telling,” she countered, joining him at the table.

He shook his head, but she thought she might have seen the corner of his lip raising, just a hair.

“How is she really?”

“Frightened, as well she should be. Given the fever and the rash, this illness could be something serious. I’ve started her on what medication we have for bacterial infection, but I’m not sure it’s even an infection,” he took a bite of the vegetable medley. “You were right, I shouldn’t have frightened her the other day. I might have avoided her need for the sedative.”

Cassidy stared at him.

“What?” he looked up at her after a moment.

“I think that’s the first time you’ve admitted that I was right. I’m just savoring the moment.”

There was that lip twitch again. It was definitely there. Cassidy found herself grinning like an idiot.

“Explain to me what needs to be set up and I’ll make sure its ready before I head to the dorms tonight.”

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