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Free Content Starts Today!

Writer's picture: Lacey St. SinLacey St. Sin

Happy Friday everyone!

As I indicated in my first blog post I have been busy working on book four of the Amber Aerie Lords Series, and finally making progress on the ending! But, in addition, I have also been working on some free content for you!

Since so many of you have mentioned wanting more from the world and side characters of Keeping Mia, I have begun a short story to illustrate how some of the relationships have developed from where the main plot of that novel left off (but before the epilogue set several years into the future.)

For those of you who have not read Keeping Mia, it is only available on the Anystories App for now, as is a second novel in the same collection (but a different world), Taming Tianna.

But, I am hoping that there will be enough explanation in this new piece, Needing Cassidy (working title) to read as a stand alone.

I plan to post a chapter every week, if I can, until the story is complete, however long that might be.

Fair Warning: This is a rough draft and the story is not yet complete, so though I have a very good feel for where the plot will lead it still might require changes in previously posted chapters, or be imperfect in the areas of spelling and grammar.

When it is complete I will compile the chapters and have it edited and offer it free on amazon, for those who wish to wait until completion so as to avoid any confusion.

Until then, please enjoy the first chapter of Needing Cassidy:


The delicate yellow spikes shifted and shuddered as Cassidy Brownwin pushed the little plant into the ground. The dry, baking heat of the afternoon closed in around her, the smell of dirt and spice rising up from below.

Her fingers were stained from the powder the spikes lost every time they were moved, and the soil had sapped all of the moisture from her skin, leaving dry cracks on her knuckles, but still she was happy there on Callaphria, within the Livarian compound. She rose and stretched the kink out of her back, her arms protesting with an ache she would no doubt feel later. She looked at the neat little rows. The hivasa spice, a warm and yet sweet flavoring that chef favored for both deserts and savory dishes, and now they had some of their own. The discovery of the little garden where some aspiring cook had planted all manner of herbs, before the fall of the world, was a great boon. Now the scouting parties would no longer have to scour the city’s resources to find more of the ever dwindling supply. It might not be a life or death matter, but Cassidy was satisfied none the less.

The garden beyond the hivasa plot extended for sixty yards toward the outer edge of the compound and the energy field that protected it. Rows of vegetables carefully tended and pruned, the organization meticulous to the point of obsessive.

She had done that. This was her project. She inhaled a deep breath and allowed herself the pride and satisfaction of a job well done.

“You done for the day?” Emily called from across the pathway. The garden on the other side of the trail was not for edibles, but an aesthetic combination of as many rare or endangered plants that Becky, the compound’s botanist, could get her hands on. Emily was hunkered down next to the delicately placed trunk of a rotted tree. Her fine hair was pulled tightly back against her head, and the clothes she wore were covered in flecks of dirt and moss. She shielded her dark eyes from the glaring sun as she peered over her shoulder.

Cassidy plucked at her own shirt, it stuck to her skin. Gross. “Yeah, I want to clean up before the evening meal. You coming?”

Emily shook her head, her lips tightening a little. “You go ahead. This damned mushroom isn’t taking as well as I’d like.” She gestured to a fluted orange growth on the base of the trunk. Vibrant blue speckles lined the excessive filaments making the fungus as beautiful as many of the flowers that had already been planted. “I think I’m going to test the soil PH again.”

“That’s Becky’s newest acquisition?” Cassidy asked.

“Beautiful isn’t it?” Emily smiled, a blush creeping up her cheeks. “And if it takes I’ve heard a compound it produces fertility.”

Cassidy forced down a grimace. It was fine that Emily was happy about such things, she was newly wed after all. She didn’t have to rain on the woman’s parade because the idea of being strapped down with a husband and little ones pushed panic through her veins like fire.

“Oh…” she managed. “...That’s good….Really good, right?”

Emily nodded but some of the impish light faded from her expression.

“So, I’ll see you in the meal hall?” Cassidy offered.

“Sure, I shouldn’t be too long.”

Cassidy turned, doing her best to stem the feeling that she had made things awkward, and made her way along the trail back toward the dorms.

The compound existed in a large sectioned off area of Virkaith, once the capital of the Livarian nation and now a ruined urban landscape. The Livarians that had managed to escape the Attaphus virus—the disease that had destroyedthe world population—had chosen the location for the variety of resources that they felt they could reinstate and protect. For ten years the men had labored to make buildings into homes, to get running water and electricity, and, most importantly, to get an energy dome, the main protection the compound had against the many predators of the planet. When they were finally ready they had used the world key to open a portal to Earth. Bringing enough women back to make a life...and begin repopulating their world.

Cassidy had been one of those women. Kidnapped at first, but refusing to leave when the option was presented. Most days she still felt like she had made the right decision.

A Livarian guard peeled away from those patrolling the gardens and fell in behind her on the path. Cassidy sped up slightly, hoping the man wouldn’t want to talk. The women didn’t have to work. In fact when they had first arrived the cat-like alien men had refused to let them work, wishing to provide for and protect their most precious resource. They’d learned very quickly that bored human women were nothing but trouble. Now the women had tasks of their choosing, but they couldn’t get away from the Livarian need to guard and hover. The over-protectiveness took a little getting used to, but she could almost just ignore their presence now.

That was, until he increased his pace and caught up to her.

“Make good progress today?” It was Askon, one of the regular garden patrol. He was a handsome Livarian. Tall and brown skinned, with enough muscles to tempt even a saint. Dark eyes flashed at her in good humor and the tips of his fangs poked out as he spoke. Most of the Livarians had markings, almost tattoo like, spots, stripes, dots, you name it, the type you would see on the big cats of Earth. Their noses were a little flatter, and their ears pointed and furred, but they were definitely compatible with the human notion of beauty. This Livarian had two dark stripes that rose above his eyebrows and continued up his scalp beneath his hair. More stripes lined his cheeks sweeping down and away from his eyes. A hint of leopard like dots filled the spaces at the edge of his face.

Cassidy bit her tongue. She had already created enough awkward situations for one day. Besides Gran -Gran’s spirit would reach down and slap her upside the head if she was that rude.

“Yeah,” she answered, forcing a smile. “I think the hivasa is doing well enough we might start harvesting in a week or two.”

Askon smiled. “Chef will be happy. You should hear him go on and on about the lack of fresh herbs to work with. You’d think, with the ending of the world, he would have learned to be less fussy.”

They were nearing the dorms now and Cassidy still needed to grab a fresh change of clothing before her shower. She narrowed her eyes a group of five women making a beeline for the building where the showers were housed. If they took up all the shower stalls she was going to be pissed. “Well, you know what they say about old habits...” she muttered distractedly.

“No. What?”

Askon’s words brought her from her observation of the women and back to the conversation.

“...That they die hard?”

Askon paused, a confused look crossing his features. “But...a habit does not live…”

Oy. It might have been months since the two peoples had come together, but the cultural differences still managed to catch them up.

“It’s an old Earth saying. Old habits die hard. It means it’s hard to quit an ingrained habit. I think, specifically it’s meant for bad habits but…”

Cassidy eyed the women again, mentally staking her claim on the showers, but when she turned back to Askon he looked even more lost than before her explanation.

“Never mind,” she told him, pushing ahead, “I’m just going to grab some clean clothes and hit the showers before those water hogs get in there.”

His brows drew together, the black stripes moving in sync, and he opened his mouth.

Cassidy held up a hand. “Take a shower. I’m going to take a shower.”

He nodded at that, and though she was eager to get into the dorms she slowed her pace a little, because he definitely looked like he wanted to say something more, and there was that whole thing with Gran-Gran and being rude. She was a little surprised when a flush blossomed on his cheeks.

“I just...I wanted to offer you my three minutes,” he blurted. “To add onto yours.”

Cassidy stopped at that, a prickle of dread poking at her gut. Water, clean water was scarce enough that they were each limited to three minutes of shower time a day. As such shower minutes were very coveted. The problem was, what did he want in exchange?

“That’s very kind.”

The flush deepened. “Well, you’ve been working hard and I feel like I’ve just been standing there, watching you. I thought you might appreciate it.”

Not withstanding the slight creepiness of his statement it was a sweet gesture. “I do really appreciate it,” she assured him.

His expression transformed into one of relief. And hope.

Oh no.

“I thought we might share the meal together,” he ventured.

“Askon…” Cassidy didn’t need to say more, her tone said it all for her. Apologetic, regretful even, but firm.

Askon’s face fell and guilt speared at her. Why did he have to be so sweet?

“I’m sorry,” she told him.

He let out a deep sigh. “I understand,” he said, though it was clear that he really didn’t. The rejection wasn’t about him at all.

“Look, you can have your minutes, Askon, I don’t really need them.” She had become really good at getting clean in three.

Askon stopped, his face flat.

“Keep them,” he told her with a sad smile. “You deserve them.”

But suddenly she was certain she didn’t.

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