The Dragon's Assassin (2022)
Beska Akrouse wants one thing. Enough power to ensure she is never at the mercy of another again. And she's worked hard to get this far, so close to rising in the secret Sisterhood, Valarious' Sisterhood, that she can earn the title of Mother, collect her sister from her abusive aunt, and start somewhere anew.
Only, fate seems to have different plans, ones that bind Beska darkly into the web of deceit and darkness festering in the Sisterhood, and cast her in the path of the Aerie's Archon, and the woman seducing Dragon Lord, the one that she can't seem to escape. The more she learns about both Lords, the less she feels capable of the task set upon her. The problem is, failure means her own death. Can she survive what higher powers have set into motion? Even if it means she has to rely on others?
Strale Valewing has spent many years perfecting the art of seduction, ready for the day his dragon would choose its mate. But time is a cruel mistress and he is tired of waiting. He finds his sights, and thoughts centered on one woman in particular. The trouble is, she is unlike any woman he has ever met, and as the mystery of the traitor in the aerie unfolds, he learns that Beska is somehow bound to it all. He only has to decide how deep he's willing to go to pull her out.
The shadows are building, chaos is rising. Can the Amber Aerie withstand the tide?

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About Lacey St. Sin
Lacey St. Sin writes fantasy and futuristic romance. She currently has four books out in two series, The Amber Aerie Lords Series, and the Distant Worlds Series (Available on the Anystories App). With a love of all things fantastical Lacey’s fans enjoy new and vibrant worlds and interesting characters, dragons, shifters, Livarians and more.